From Audit to Innovation - new report by Shift and GSCP

Shift have released a joint report with the GSCP on how companies are overcoming the shortfalls of the auditing approach with regard to actual CSR improvements in the supply chain.


There is a growing recognition of the limitations of the conventional social compliance audit approach in remediating unacceptable social and labour conditions in supply chains. There is apparently little evidence that auditing alone leads to sustained improvements, leading to growing frustration among global brands and retailers with the limitations of the traditional audit paradigm. The report highlights alternative and supplementary approaches to addressing social performance issues in supply chains, approaches which seek to recast relationships with suppliers, from ‘policemen’ to ‘partners’. A number of case studies are being featured designed to provide inspiration for possible models of improving supply chain social conditions.  


A copy of the report can be dowloaded from the business & humarn rights page of our website