The Future - Moving beyond compliance

AIM-PROGRESS has been in existence for five years and has helped companies establish responsible sourcing programs, identify commonalities, recognize each-others’ audits, build their own and suppliers’ capacity to implement responsible sourcing throughout the supply chain and keep abreast of legislative developments affecting sourcing practices. The challenge for the next five years will be to consolidate these learnings and practices and to move beyond compliance towards measurable CSR performance improvement. Non-compliances with CSR standards need to be closed out and the general performance of the supply chain in all areas of responsible sourcing needs to be moved beyond mere compliance with existing legislation. Of particular importance are respect of human rights, environmental progress and ethical recruitment so that the FMCG industry can actually make a positive difference to the communities they serve. AIM-PROGRESS is now looking to turn this vision into a concrete work program over the next five years, in support of the AIM strategic plan to drive “sustainable growth through trusted brands”.