Press releases

AIM-Progress and members partner with Quizrr to deliver human rights due diligence supplier training in Mexico

24 Aug 2023

AIM-Progress and member companies are partnering with Quizrr – an award-winning EdTech company – to mainstream robust responsible sourcing practices in Mexico by building suppliers’ capability to implement robust and holistic human rights due diligence. Quizrr was selected based on its unique blended learning model for the supply chain, combining gamified digital learning, webinars and in-person training.

“We are excited to be supporting members’ suppliers in Mexico, in partnership with Quizrr, to meet the requirements of global human rights due diligence legislation and increase their positive impact on workers and communities. This was possible thanks to the financial support of the following members: The Hershey Company, SC Johnson, Unilever and Mars.”

Louise Herring

Executive Director, AIM-Progress

The AIM-Progress – Quizrr joint supplier capability building programme will provide information, resources and tools to ensure suppliers in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector understand responsible sourcing requirements and can create decent work opportunities in their businesses. Training topics include wages, hours and benefits; equality, safety and respect; grievance mechanisms; forced labor; child labor; freedom of association and collective bargaining; occupational health and safety and the Mexico Labor Law reform.

Running from August 2023 to March 2024, the supplier events include a combination of virtual and in-person sessions, bringing in expert speakers from Mexican civil society and the private sector, allowing for flexibility and diverse participation from suppliers. Quizrr will also measure the impact of the programme through their platform to better inform future training and due diligence planning.

“The partnership between AIM-Progress and Quizrr is a positive example of how companies can come together to support stronger due diligence, achieve efficiencies, scale up best practices, and help suppliers address risks within a particular sector. The combination of AIM-Progress’ strong membership base and knowledge on responsible sourcing and Quizrr’s expertise in delivering engaging and impactful training programs to supply chain actors is expected to yield tangible improvements in labor conditions and overall due diligence practices.”

Sofie Nordström

Founding Partner & Deputy CEO, Quizrr

About Quizrr

Quizrr is a Swedish EdTech company that offers innovative training solutions backed with real time data to advance corporate responsibility and capacity building in global supply chains. Founded in 2013, Quizrr uses digital training solutions to educate employees in global supply chains on issues such as employment rights, workplace safety, and social dialogue, using a bottom-up approach. The content, reflecting several of the Sustainable Development Goals, is based on global requirements such as the ILO Core Conventions, IOM Migrant Worker Guidelines, Employer Pays Principle (EPP). For more information, go to

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