Identifying, preventing and accounting for the impact of human rights issues

Effective human rights due diligence (HRDD) is the foundation of responsible sourcing.

It means companies can identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address actual and potential adverse human rights issues in their operations and supply chains. We identify how purchasing practices can support HRDD management systems. And we support responsible business conduct to make sure that supply chains remain resilient, and that workers, farmers and communities can thrive.

Women in a factory working along a conveyorbelt A photo of multiple people in uniform working at conveyor belts in a food factory, sorting apples.

Our members are committed to being leaders in HRDD.

We help them:

  • establish and improve their responsible sourcing programmes through our Responsible Sourcing Journey (RSJ)
  • converge HR(E)DD practices and assess their HR(E)DD readiness and that of their suppliers through our new Converged HREDD Assessment Tool
  • stay up to date with new laws by sharing our comprehensive tailor-made legislative updates produced by our partner law firm, Ropes & Gray
  • build capability to implement the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines for multinational enterprises
  • benefit from the EU advocacy work of our umbrella organisation, AIM–European Brands Association
Working Group

HREDD Convergence Working Group

A dedicated working group is leading a bespoke project, in collaboration with the Consumer Goods Forum, to converge assessment requirements for HREDD management systems in supply chains.

Using pre-existing materials, it is recommending a methodology for members and beyond on conducting HREDD assessments to lessen the burden on suppliers.

We released the Converged HREDD Assessment Tool in December 2024.

2025 will be focused on deployment of the tool by member companies and through existing, and potentially new, data platforms.