Join the top network for responsible sourcing in fast-moving consumer goods

Becoming an AIM-Progress member is the right choice for any FMCG company wanting to enhance respect for human rights in its supply chain.

AIM-Progress membership is open to companies who can demonstrate their commitment to human rights and who mainly produce and/or distribute fast-moving consumer goods globally, or supply products, packaging, ingredients, raw materials and product-related services to those companies.

Member benefits

AIM-Progress membership gives you access to:

Tools through which to rank your company’s responsible sourcing progress versus the industry

Exclusive human rights due diligence guidance, resources, training and events

Quality, regional supplier events 
and engagement

Shared lists of assessed suppliers to reduce duplication of requests

Collaboration projects on high-risk human rights issues

Improved standing on benchmarks like the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, KnowTheChain and Dow Jones Sustainability Index.