Cases of forced and child labour are increasing in the US. The Child and forced labour project is managed by Verité.
It has been set up to help our members’ co-manufacturers, co-packers, suppliers, labour providers and service providers recruit responsibly and help manage potential risks child and forced labour. It increases focus on the safety and wellbeing of third-shift workers. And it helps signpost supportive organisations to survivors of forced labour and child labour.
Evidence from the US Department of Labor and the National Human Trafficking Hotline indicates that cases of forced labour and child labour nationwide have increased significantly in the last five years. Cases of minors employed in violation of hazardous occupation laws and working outside of federally allowed hours have also increased across states and industries. Research indicates that increased global poverty, volatility and migration, alongside shortages in the US labor market are contributing factors in these trends
In response to these mounting issues, this project helps members identify forced and child labour cases, and provide remediation for exploited workers.
This project is a collaboration between 12 AIM-Progress members and Verité, a non-profit organisation with expertise in addressing serious labour rights issues. Compliance with the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and all relevant US national and state-level laws is integral to the project’s work.
It provides training for a target of over 600 people from members’ supply chain partners. And it’s equipping participants with a US-specific remediation guidance document that helps them understand the risks of child labour.
This free e-learning course, Responding to Child Labor and Forced Labor in U.S. Manufacturing, developed by Verite with funding from AIM-Progress members and additional support from Walmart and Cargill. Now available to all U.S.-based companies, this unique course empowers organizations across the manufacturing sector to create safer, fairer labor practices. Originally launched in December 2023, the…
In December 2023, AIM-Progress and a group of 12 members began the rollout of a child and forced labor prevention supplier capability building initiative and the launch of child labor remediation guidance for more than 600 US supply chain partners. Our goal is to address the potential for increased risks of forced and child labor…