AIM-Progress, with the support of Partner Africa, is launching this year’s Africa Hub Virtual Supplier Event on October 29th and 30th, 2024!
This two-day event is for African suppliers of AIM-Progress members and company staff operates in Africa. The event will be conducted in English with French translation.
This year’s sessions will cover:
• Day 1: Human Rights Due Diligence, Grievance Mechanisms
• Day 2: Contracts, Responsible Purchasing Practices, Security & Human Rights
The event will provide practical tools and guidance on human rights due diligence, responsible purchasing practices, and security risks and human rights. The suppliers will gain valuable insights from experts in these fields. Interactive workshops and real-world case studies from across Africa will enhance the experience.
For more details, please contact Yael.
Event details
29 - 30 Oct 2024
This event was member only. To learn more about AIM-Progress membership, get in touch.