Givaudan hosts AIM-PROGRESS membership meeting in Seville, Spain

Givaudan hosted the last general AIM-PROGRESS membership meeting of 2015 in Seville, Spain. The meeting was combined with a supplier field visit to Biolandes in Puebla de Guzman - a supplier of cistum labdanum - an ingredient for perfumes and cosmetics. This supplier visit was a great opportunity for AIM-PROGRESS members to understand the host’s supply chain, by illustrating responsible sourcing in practice. There have been several requests to include these supplier visits in the new format of the next general AIM-PROGRESS meetings.


The host company testimonial - a key agenda item of every AIM-PROGRESS meeting - highlighted Givaudan’s perspective on the importance of partnerships, and emphasized responsible sourcing strategy as part of core business under global procurement. It also included the 2020 strategy about responsible growth and shared success on going beyond compliance for strategic crops, such as patchouli, and palm oil. This successfully demonstrates how Givaudan is aligned with and supportive of AIM-PROGRESS’s efforts to raise the bar for responsible sourcing.




The key highlights and takeaways from the meeting also included:

-       the future enabling of mutual recognition of audits,

-       the impact measurement of our actions in how we make a difference to people’s lives,

-       the future framework for capability building for manufacturers and suppliers,

-       the contribution to implementing environmental commitments through supply chain engagement,

-       tackling the thorny issue of migrant labour

-       the future focus of AIM-PROGRESS action.

For more details about these highlights, please have a look at the newsletter sections below.