Press releases

AIM-Progress releases Ropes & Gray CSR Legislation summary for spring 2024

22 Apr 2024

Helping companies monitor the rapidly evolving supply chain due diligence legislative agenda

Designed to support responsible sourcing, human rights, procurement and supply chain professionals who need to keep up with the rapidly evolving legislative landscape of human rights and environmental due diligence legislation, AIM-Progress is pleased to announce the release of the Spring 2024 edition of our semi-annual update on global human rights and corporate responsibility legislation. As always, this has been prepared by our partner law firm Ropes & Gray.

The pace of new legislation on corporate accountability for human rights and the environment is ever-increasing and this edition spotlights, summarises and compares existing and new initiatives, including:

  • The proposed South Korean Act on Human Rights and Environmental Protection for Sustainable Management of Companies which would require companies to assess and address human rights and environmental risks and adverse impacts in their operations and supply chains. Under the Act, subject companies would also be required to implement specified management systems, publish information on their due diligence and respond to interested parties’ information requests.
  • The proposed U.K. Commercial Organisations and Public Authorities Duty (Human Rights and Environment) Act which imposes a duty to prevent human rights and environmental harms with respect to own operations, subsidiaries and throughout value chains. The Act would require reasonable due diligence and the publication of an annual report.
  • US State legislation, including the California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act regarding claims on CO2 emissions or greenhouse gas emissions, the proposed Illinois Climate Corporate Accountability Act requiring companies to publicly disclose their Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions and the proposed New York Climate-related Financial Risk Reporting Act requiring companies to biennially prepare and publicly disclose a climate-related financial risk report.

There have also been numerous developments regarding legislation already reported previously, including the EU Forced Labour Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which are set for adoption; an update to the Australia Modern Slavery Act; litigation and enforcement developments pertaining to the French duty of vigilance law and the new German supply chain act; and many others.

Download latest legislative overview (Spring 2024)