The road to an effective grievance mechanism: launching the AIM-Progress Grievance Mechanisms Maturity Framework & Guidance 1.0

9 Jun 2022

We are delighted to launch the AIM-Progress Grievance Mechanism Maturity Framework & Guidance 1.0 (GM MFG) – to download click here. The maturity framework will support FMCG companies and beyond to accelerate the development and implementation of grievance mechanisms in own operations and supply chains – a crucial component in the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It also seeks to support the provision of remedy and prevent future adverse impact through systemic remediation and continuous improvement.

The framework has been developed by AIM-Progress members in partnership with twentyfifty through three phases of stakeholder feedback. One of these phases included a public consultation during which we were grateful for input into the framework from NGOs and other key stakeholders in the human rights field. The GM MFG 1.0 has also been piloted by several AIM-Progress members (Danone, Arla, and others) through our Grievance Mechanism Working Group, helping us to ensure the framework is clear, achievable and supports companies at different maturity levels.

Grievance Mechanism Maturity Framework & Guidance (GM MFG) 1.0

Our open-source framework provides companies with an introduction to grievance mechanisms, details on how to use the framework and is then split up into four steps for implementing grievance mechanisms aligned to the AIM-Progress four levels of maturity for companies working on human rights. The document also explains on how to further improve grievance mechanisms and links to further guidance documents. Each level includes own operations and supplier engagement.

These are the 4 steps around which the framework is developed:

  1. Building the governance and management systems of grievance mechanisms for your own operations and how to engage suppliers on this topic
  2. Establishing grievance mechanisms, including developing and communicating the mechanisms
  3. Implementing grievance mechanisms, including establishing the operating procedure, implementing remediation and ongoing monitoring
  4. Evaluating grievance mechanisms and integrating learnings

The framework can be used as a benchmarking tool for own operations and suppliers’ grievance mechanism(s) and to identify areas of improvement. It can also be used as a blueprint for effective grievance mechanisms with the development of your own improvement plan based on the criteria. A self-assessment tool, available to AIM-Progress members only, has also been developed to help companies assess their maturity level, evaluate the gaps and identify areas of improvement.

The Grievance Mechanism Maturity Framework & Guidance 1.0 forms part of AIM-Progress’ human rights roadmap and the Grievance Mechanism Working Group activities. Through this dedicated Working Group, members build a common understanding of GM challenges in global supply chains, receive support to develop practical guidance around grievance mechanisms, better understand their role in providing access to effective grievance mechanisms within their operations and supply chains and co-create solutions to drive positive impact at scale in different contexts, regions and cultures.

Direct access to the tools:

Download the: AIM-Progress Grievance Mechanism Maturity Framework & Guidance 1.0