This was a collaborative project implemented with Oxfam Business Advisory Service (OBAS) and the AIM-Progress Grievance Mechanism Working Group.
It worked with 19 suppliers to three member companies across 15 countries to improve their grievance mechanisms. Our goal was for workers to be able raise issues and concerns with their employers in a safe, trusted and transparent way.
Grievance mechanisms are an essential part of human rights due diligence – providing channels through which workers and communities can raise concerns and issues can be remedied. Operational grievance mechanisms at site-level are usually the first place where workers and communities raise concerns and workers need to be able to raise issues and concerns with their employer in a safe, trusted, transparent manner.
This project focused on helping members’ closest suppliers know what actions to take when they receive a grievance from workers. Suppliers reviewed their grievance mechanisms using the Oxfam Business Advisory Service (OBAS) Grievance Mechanism Toolkit, developed by Oxfam Business Advisory Service (OBAS) for Reckitt. They then made improvements like adding in participatory processes to involve workers in the design and implementation of grievance mechanisms. Suppliers were encouraged to pay particular attention to the participation of, and impact on, women workers and vulnerable groups.
The project had six key stages:
The goal of the project was to provide a supported rollout of the grievance mechanism toolkit to a group of members’ direct suppliers and support them to