The Living wage playbook is designed as a “how to guide” to help companies at different stages of their living wage journey, with examples for each section. It is intended help companies build and implement a living wage strategy, whether for their employees, across their suppliers, or both.
The topic of “living income” is not addressed in this playbook. While the two concepts – living wage and living income – share similarities in definition and purpose, the implementation differs. Living wage is concerned with the remuneration that an employer pays to their employees. Living income, on the other hand, refers to the total household income that an individual family generates through various income-earning activities, and in practice is usually focused on small to medium sized family farms.
The Playbook is divided into 7 chapters, with linked resources and case studies. Each chapter is intended to support a core phase of company progress on the topic of living wages. The resource links that are provided represent those that are publicly available at this time. New resources are being developed regularly. Thus, to the extent possible, the playbook should be managed as a “living document”.
The Living wage playbook was developed by Heartwood LLC for AIM-Progress and its members, who are committed to working toward improved livelihoods and working conditions globally.