The Responsible Sourcing Journey – Our roadmap to improving responsible sourcing
The RSJ provides a blueprint to help member companies accelerate the development and implementation of responsible sourcing practices that positively impact people’s lives throughout their supply chains. It enables companies to understand where they are on this journey and helps them identify and plan their future efforts more effectively.
In 2022 the RSJ underwent a fundamental review to help reinforce AIM-Progress member companies’ commitment to respect Human Rights through:
- Alignment to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, based on the UNGPs (focused on human rights).
- New criteria specifically on responsible recruitment & eliminating forced labour and enabling living wage/income.
In 2024 the RSJ will undergo another review to include environmental due diligence and align with our convergence efforts on HREDD assessments.
We are making available this resource as an open-source document so the industry as a whole can benefit and take inspiration from our work.